
Monday, 13 October 2014

C.F.S. not c.f.s.

Some of you may know that I am prone to bouts of chronic fatigue syndrome or c.f.s. as it is known and I am in one at the moment.  These can be challenging times when I don't have the energy to do much but instead feel really unwell and as if I am pushing a great big boulder up a very steep hill to do the simplest of things.

What do I do to cope?   I pick up my special journal where I have a list of all the healing and strength scriptures - there are quite a few - and I read them and pray them and take hold of them.  I don't know why Jesus doesn't instantly heal me.  I don't have the answer to that.  All I know is that He gives me the strength to endure.  At really bad times I may get very down and give in to self-pity but that road leads to an even worse place.  Then I make myself get that journal again and turn to God.  He hasn't instantly healed me but He has given me comfort and strength to endure and I do feel better.  I also feel closer to Him.  In fact there is often a preciousness in these times as I feel His Presence and I know that I will soon (however long that may be) be out of this particular bout and one day it will be my very last bout of c.f.s.

I realised that c.f.s. may stand for chronic fatigue syndrome.


Here is my journal page, a very simple one because when I am not well it is too much for me to be at my arty table for long and I do it mostly in my comfy armchair with my feet up:

The writing is some of the healing and health scriptures which I find so helpful.

If you too are struggling with your health in any way know that C.F.S. - Christ furnishes strength.
I pray that as you read these scriptures your pain will be eased, you will find strength, you will know rest and that you will healed in Jesus' mighty name.

I'm linking up at:
Sunday Sentiments
Creative Every Day
Create with Joy Inspire Me Monday
Art Journal Every Day


  1. Yet simple but extremely powerful, actually I would say the simplicity of it makes it so impressive! Hope you feel better soon, hugs Ruth

  2. Susan, I'm so sorry you are dealing with this but God is our healer and strength and I'm glad you know that and look to him. I LOVE your new phrase for cfs - God Furnishes Strength!!! Your page is wonderful and you are in my prayers!!

  3. This is really powerful Susan...Love how you did this. I'm sure it will help a lot of other people. Love your reliance on the Lord.

  4. Susan WOW! I really love this! My friend, my encouragement to you is that YOU WERE HEALED on the cross! You declare that today! Manifestation is most certainly in God's timing for you life, but make no mistake, you ARE healed! I lift you up today as God wraps His loving arms around you and "keeps" you through this time. His peace and joy are Christ's extended grace that Furnishes Strength in the midst! Many blessings to you my precious friend! :)

  5. This is a very meaningful page, Susan! At first I didn't get it (duh!) but of course now I can see that's the boulder you're rolling up the hill. May your strength return soon! If it wasn't for your condition, creating in your journal with your feet up in your comfy armchair would actually sound pretty idyllic!

  6. Thanks for joining Sunday Sentiments again, by the way, and sharing such a meaningful journal page. I hope you come back next week too!

  7. C.F.S. stands for Christ Furnishes Strength. I LOVE that. I too live with chronic health issues, but the Lord always furnishes me with the strength I need to do the things he calls me to do. Some days I have to rest. That is okay too. Being his child is the most important thing I can do. Blessing hugs, Teresa

  8. Fighting an up hill battle...I remember my mother saying that at some point in my younger days.
    Your journal page is so right on, awesome work!

  9. What a positive twist on cfs, Susan. Your page may be simple, but it speaks volumes. It's so very encouraging, as I too struggle with some of the same issues that you do. I'm praying for you as you go through this bout with cfs. We'll both cling to knowing that Christ Furnishes Strength. Big hugs my friend!!!

  10. What a great way to think about it, Susan. Hope you feel better soon.

  11. This is a fabulous page , it is so expressive ! The boulder is a wonderful idea and glad it is rolling downhill pushed along by those wonderful scriptures!
